
Shuhei Onishi

「株式会社インウェブアウト 代表取締役」
“CEO, InWebOut Inc.”


大西修平は、1986年生まれ東京都出身。「ハワイの大学で留学・勉強したい!」という夢を叶えるため、メイク・ア・ウィッシュ・オブ・ジャパンの協力のもと、公立高校在学中に一時渡米。高校卒業後、本格的に留学による渡米をする。ハワイはホノルルのハワイ大学カピオラニコミュニティカレッジ(KCC)に通い、奨学金”the Financial Aid Pacific-Asian Scholarship”を受け、全米成績優秀者協会”Phi Theta Kappa“や”Who’s Who Among Students In American Junior Colleges“に入会。ボランティア活動を積極的に行い、”Service Learning – Presidential Award Bronze (100 hours)“をホワイトハウス及び当時のアメリカ大統領ジョージ・W・ブッシュから授与される。KCCをリベラルアーツ専攻で卒業後、帰国。個人事業「インウェブアウト」を立ち上げ、数年後、ハワイと繋がる仕事がしたいと思い、2019年「インウェブアウト留学センター」を設立し、留学サポート業を開始。2023年11月14日に法人化し、株式会社インウェブアウトの代表取締役社長として、今に至る。

Shuhei Onishi was born in Tokyo, Japan in 1986. He temporarily visited Hawaii, the US, through Make-A-Wish of Japan for the preparation of studying abroad to make his dreams come true when he was a high school student. He studied abroad to Hawaii as a wish-child who was able to make his dreams come true at the age of 18. He has lived Honolulu, Hawaii, for about 3 years and kept learning making a website through self-study while attending the University of Hawai‘i – Kapiʻolani Community College. After graduating, he came back to Japan and has been working freelance; his business name is InWebOut. In 2023, He incorporated it named InWebOut Inc. He has a severe disability, Progressive Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, and uses a wheelchair.



InWebOut Inc. is available for speech, lectures at universities, media appearances, and interviews regarding Shuhei Onishi, CEO. Because of difficulty of his disabilities and being on a wheelchair, he will do speech/lectures remotely from our office using Zoom; however, he might be able to go directly to your location in some cases of nearby Tokyo, so please contact us first. He can speech English as well.


メイク・ア・ウィッシュ オブ ジャパン(Make-A-Wish® Japan)

Shuhei’s Works


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